Creating MTG Proxy Cards: A Simple Guide

Magic: The Gathering (MTG), a beloved collectible card game, offers an immersive world of strategy and fantasy. However, the cost of collecting official cards can be prohibitive for many. This is where MTG Proxy Cards come into play, offering a cost-effective and creative solution for players. In this article, we explore the world of MTG Proxy Cards, drawing insights from leading sources like and

What Are MTG Proxy Cards?

MTG Proxy Cards are replicas of official MTG cards created by players. They serve multiple purposes: testing new decks, saving money, or enjoying gameplay without risking valuable collectibles. Proxies are particularly useful for experimenting with high-cost cards or exploring strategies before making a financial commitment to official cards.

Creating Your Own MTG Proxies

The process of creating MTG Proxy Cards involves several key steps:

  1. Image Selection and Editing: The journey begins with selecting high-quality digital images of desired cards. These can be sourced online or created by scanning existing cards. Image editing software like Photoshop is used to adjust size, color balance, and contrast to mimic the original cards as closely as possible.
  2. Printing: The edited images are printed on cardstock paper using a quality printer. Precise printer settings are crucial to replicate the look and feel of real MTG cards.
  3. Cutting and Assembling: Post-printing, the images are meticulously cut out and assembled. Precision in cutting ensures that the proxies match the size and shape of standard MTG cards.
  4. Finishing Touches: The final stage is about refinement, ensuring the proxies are indistinguishable in terms of size and quality from their original counterparts.

For those seeking a more streamlined approach, websites like offer significant advantages:

  • Easy-to-Use Templates: provides templates that simplify the design process. Users can choose images, adjust card text, and customize the overall layout with ease.
  • Professional Printing Services: Apart from designing, offers printing services. This ensures that your custom-designed proxies are printed with high quality, closely mimicking the texture and appearance of official MTG cards.
  • Custom Design Opportunities: These resources open up possibilities for creating entirely unique cards, pushing the boundaries of creativity within the game.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

While creating MTG Proxy Cards can be an exciting endeavor, it’s important to navigate the legal and ethical landscape. Proxies are not legal in official MTG tournaments and are intended for personal or casual group play. Additionally, the sale of proxies, especially those that closely imitate copyrighted cards, is generally frowned upon and can be illegal.


MTG Proxy Cards offer an innovative way for players to enjoy the game without the financial strain. They encourage creativity and strategic exploration within the MTG community. As you embark on creating your own MTG proxies, remember to respect the game’s legal boundaries and the community’s ethical standards.

For more detailed guidance and resources on creating high-quality MTG Proxy Cards, enthusiasts can explore sites like and, which provide comprehensive insights and tutorials on the craft.

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